All students are to follow the school guidelines below regarding the uniform:
K - 5: Shirts: All shirts must have collars. Polos - short or long sleeve with school logo; girls/young ladies may wear plain Peter Pan collar: LIGHT BLUE OR BURGUNDY.
Grades 6 and up – Shirts: All shirts must be Oxford shirts with school logo. LIGHT BLUE ONLY.
Girls/Young Ladies:
Shirt can be short sleeve;
3/4 sleeve or long sleeve.
Boys/Young Men:
Shirt can be short sleeve or long sleeve.

Uniform Badge/Logo/Insignia:
The school logo is a significant part of the school uniform. All students are required to have a logo embroidered or affixed to their uniform shirts. Not having the logo affixed is a violation of the schools uniform code.
Uniform logos can be purchased at the school for $5.00 each. Speak with the Principal to make your order.
Docker style ONLY or long shorts (during the warm weather—temperature above 70 degrees Fahrenheit); KHAKI OR NAVY BLUE.
A belt must be worn with the pants.
Skirt length MUST BE below the knee (skorts and jumpers are also allowed); KHAKI OR NAVY BLUE
Solid colors—crew or v-neck (no sweatshirts, no stripes or patterns, no hoodies): NAVY BLUE OR BURGUNDY
Sneakers are recommended, or sensible shoes in black, brown or navy blue.
White, black or navy blue socks or stockings must be worn at all times inside and outside.
NO open-toe shoes, sandals, flip flops are allowed.
Prohibited Items:
Hats, caps, bandana headbands, or other head coverings are not allowed indoors.
JEWELRIES OF ANY KIND ARE NOT ALLOWED however small they may be or what message they carry.